Tarah Wheeler
Rank: 976 / 1333
2 selected videos
DEF CON 24 BioHacking Village - 0day for the Soul: Cybernetics And Theology
As more and more people explore human-embedded technology such as subdermal RFID chips and magnetic implants, we must begin to engage with mainstream concerns about where humanity ends and technology begins. Where is the thin silicon line between humanity and cybernetics, and what do the major faiths of the world say regarding the possible diminution of the human soul in the presence of life-altering tech implants? Let’s explore the very real future choice between the hope of Nirvana in the...
Related topics : implant rfid chip technology
Writing to the new NFC RFID chip in my hand!
I had an NFC RFID chip implanted in my hand Monday by Amal Graafstra of Dangerous Things. Today is Friday of DerbyCon here in Louisville, Kentucky, and the awesome Krux, hardware hacker extraordinaire, is using his Android to write data to it. I'm part of the Psychoholics, and this is our team war cry :)
Related topics : rfid chip hand implantation / rfid hand implant
2 Resources