Evidian - The cyber security software publisher - Leader in IAM, SSO and HA solutions
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3 selected videos
How does authentication manager work (smart card, biometrics, RFID...)
Understand how Evidian Authentication Manager manages different authentication types: smartcard, biometrics, RFID...
Related topics : difference between smart card and rfid / rfid different types
Smart card, RFID, biometrics, QR code, OTP authentication - Evidian Authentication Manager
Smart card, RFID, biometrics, QR code, OTP authentication are managed by Evidian Authentication Manager. You can implement smartcard access to PC’s. You can eliminate the need for remembering and entering passwords. You can enforce security and compliance.
Related topics : rfid smart cards
Comment fonctionne un gestionnaire d'authentification (carte à puce, biométrie, RFID...)
Comprenez comment le gestionnaire d'authentification d'Evidian sait gérer différents types d'authentification : carte à puce, biométrie, RFID...
3 Resources