Sean McBeth
Rank: 961 / 1333
2 selected videos
Bluetooth RFID Scanner
This is a project that I've been working on for a friend. It's a hand-held device for scanning RFID tags of the type that you would use to tag cattle on a farm (which is a completely different frequency spectrum from RFID security cards, so it won't work in those contexts).
Along with the hardware prototype, I've also built a small testing application for reading tags in sequence and saving their values to a list. This app is built in JavaScript for Google Chrome with the WebBluetooth API....
Related topics : different types of rfid tag
Handheld Bluetooth Low Energy RFID reader
I'm building an RFID reader that transmits over Bluetooth Low Energy so that farmers can keep better track of their cattle.
Related topics : bluetooth rfid reader / rfid handheld reader
2 Resources