Daniel Dobkin
Rank: 840 / 1333
2 selected videos
The RFID Anthem
To be sung before solemn RFID events (if there are any).
If you ask questions about RFID, you're an RFID Interrogator. If you read about RFID, you're an RFID Reader. If you add keywords to this video they are RFID tags. If you have to ask what RFID stands for you probably won't get the jokes anyway.
Our favorite technology
Where gifts abound-
'Till Wal-Mart shut us down,
With glowing tags
from illegal power levels
that won't FCC
We will count your groceries
pets and...
Related topics : how to read rfid tag / rfid tag reader
Cooperative Tag Communications
A narrated version of the animated presentation from the RFID Technology and Applications Conference in Tokyo September 16-18 2015.
Related topics : rfid technology application / presentation rfid technology
2 Resources