Industry Experts, Inc.
Rank: 740 / 1333
2 selected videos
UHF Components to Lead Demand Growth for Global RFID Market to Reach $35 Billion by 2024
The growth of the RFID market is predominantly driven by the rising need for efficient supply chain management in the developing economies of China, South East Asia & others in Asia, Middle East & Africa. In Logistics & Transportation and Healthcare & Medical sectors, the focus on RFID technology for the tracking and classification of travel & shipping and medical instruments is rising, and this is expected to drive the demand for the technology.
California, USA based Industry Experts, Inc. is...
Related topics : rfid tag reader software / rfid technology in the healthcare industry / rfid technology supply chain management
Retail and Healthcare Sectors Leads RFID Market Growth to Reach $24.3 billion by 2020
The early 2000s saw the emergence of RFID as the best technology not only in the supply chain but also in a host of other areas. This led several organizations to investing in research and development projects for deriving the maximum benefit as promised by RFID, with a few succeeding and many others failing. The buildup surrounding RFID began to wane and reached a stage wherein the previous proponents of this technology started adopting a wait and watch strategy in the anticipation that RFID...
Related topics : rfid tag reader software / rfid technology supply chain
2 Resources