Will Genovese
Rank: 707 / 1333
3 selected videos
RFID Door Lock
Using a master RFID card to program new cards into the system and allow users to use their RFID card to unlock the door
Related topics : rfid card door lock system / rfid card programming / rfid id cards
RFID Door Demo
This is a project I worked on for our hackerspace NESIT, in Meriden, CT. It uses standard 125mhz card for our members to gain access to the space, This was a better method than giving everyone keys. Inherently RFID is not secure, but our space is located inside a building that you need a key to access and has onsite security. This was my first project using an Arduino. Shout out to Pingywon for his help with the project.
Related topics : rfid projects using arduino
Raspberry Pi RFID Door Test
Using the Raspberry Pi GPIO pins ,python, and a USB ID-20 RFID reader to trigger a door strike actuator. The python code also sends a tweet to Twitter.com letting you know who opened the door or attempted to open the door. This will eventually be installed @ NESIT hackerspac , replacing our old Arduino RFID door.
Related topics : rfid door arduino
3 Resources