Henry Villanueva
Rank: 664 / 1333
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The new Student Gate Access System is a security and information system that uses RFID cards. Upon entry and exit of personnels and students, a text message is sent to the admin (personnel) and parents(students) informing them what time the students safely entered the school premises and what time the students exited the school campus after dismissal time. The system is also linked to the school year’s enrollee master list wherein the time in and time out is stored in its database for...
Related topics : rfid card access system / security system using rfid / rfid card security system / rfid gate system
E-CANTEEN_high technology canteen payment system
Using the same RFID Card, the student can enjoy the services of
the Canteen and Library with the E-Canteen and E-Library Systems. If you have questions or inquiries, pls contact me at 0922.8101625 or email me at henry0517@gmail.com
Related topics : rfid library system technology
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