Rank: 640 / 1333
3 selected videos
Alphawisp --- UHF RFID musical controller
This video shows the "alpha WISP" being used as a simple musical controller. A white RFID reader antenna is visible on the left. On the right, two coffee cups will be visible. Each cup has one RFID antenna with two RFID chips. The two chips are multiplexed to the antenna by inertial switches, which can be thought of as 1 bit accelerometers. When you tip the cup left, a first ID is returned to the reader; when you tip to the right, the other ID is returned to the reader. Since each RFID...
Related topics : uhf rfid chip antenna / uhf rfid reader antenna / rfid controller chip / rfid chips uses
First UHF-powered and read accelerometer system
We believe this is the first ever 3 axis accelerometer system that is powered and read by UHF radio waves. Think of the system as a wirelessly powered input device---there is NO battery in the circuitry in the user's hand. An RFID reader (built in to picture frame in the lower right) generates a UHF carrier that the WISP rectifies, and uses to power a microcontroller and 3 axis accelerometer. The microcontroller uses its analog to digital converter to read the accelerometer values, and then...
Related topics : uhf rfid reader antenna
RFID-Based Indoor Location Tracking Using Particle Filtering in the UW CSE Building
(Video is played in 4x)
update rate: 1 Hz
sensor model: gaissian, variance = 0.7
motion model: velocity model
Red Polygon: tag location (robot footprint)
Small light blue sphere: particles of the particle filters
Large dark blue sphere: observation - RFID tag read events
Related topics : rfid tag location tracking
3 Resources