MattyD 4Truth
Rank: 519 / 1333
2 selected videos
Mark of the Beast RFID Credit Card Transmitter DEFEATED via Truth and Teamwork!!
Badman link:
app for RFID detection via play store:
mark of the beast, rfid debit card, mark of the beast debit card, disable rf antenna credit card, destroy rfid credit card, mandatory tracking chip, rfid debit card, rfid emv chip, emv chip facts, how to disable rfid credit card
Related topics : disable rfid chip in credit card / rf credit card / rfid id cards
Mark of the Beast "RFID" Debit Chip Cards...the TRUTH Defeats 'Monetizing' Fraud Pusher
a lot of people repeating the never ending lies about the "EMV" chip debit/credit cards...they repeat utter nonsense, show no facts but instead push the GREAT LIE and HIDE the TRUTH. I prove it once and for all that your chip debit cards ARE NOT "RFID" or even TRANSMITTING a damn thing!!!
Truth Bomb at your own will:
other source links I...
Related topics : rfid chip debit card / youtube rfid chip credit card / rfid chip in credit card
2 Resources