
Rank: 393 / 1333

2 selected videos

Safe School Security Introduces RFID

Our Radio Frequency Identification system uses radio signals for its function. Our software operates using hardware that contains an antenna and a transceiver to read the radio frequency and transfer the information to the reader from RF tag. The antenna offers the means for the integrated circuit to broadcast the information to the reader that converts the radio waves, which is reflected reversed from the RFID tag. This digital information is passed on to our proprietary system that will...

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Related topics : radio frequency identification rfid systems / radio frequency identification tags (rfid) / security system using rfid / rf tag reader circuit / rfid tag security system


The acronym of RFID is Radio Frequency Identification is an innovative technology that is similar to bar code identification. Radio Frequency Identification is a short-range communication technology and is used in conjunction with our application. Our unique, iPad compatible RFID system comes with an antenna and a transceiver unit that uses electromagnetic or electrostatic coupling in the RF portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. This reads the radio frequency and then transfers the signal to...

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Related topics : radio frequency identification device rfid technology / radio frequency identification technology (rfid) / radio frequency identification rfid systems