Rank: 331 / 1333
3 selected videos
DEF CON 14 - Lukas Grunwald: First We Break Your Tag, Then We Break Your Systems
Lukas Grunwald: First We Break Your Tag, Then We Break Your Systems Attacks to Rfid Systems
Abstract: This talk provides an overview of new RFID Technologie used for Dual-Interfaces Cards (Credit cards, Ticketing and Passports), and RFID Tags with encryption and security features. Problems and attacks to these security features are discussed and attacks to these features are presented. After dealing with the tags an overview to the rest of a RFID-implementation, middelware and backend database...
Related topics : credit card rfid tag / credit card companies using rfid technology / credit card rfid security / rfid tagging system
DEF CON 23 - BioHacking Village - Alex Smith - Cloning Access Cards to Implants
Cloning Access Cards to Implants
Alex Smith @CyberiseMe
Ever cloned an office access card but been afraid you'd be caught and searched? In this talk I'll show you how to clone RFID cards to subdermal implants to avoid detection.
This talk will cover the basics of RFID security, card cloning and RFID implants. It will focus on the AT5577 chip in the new implantable form factor and show how to use it to access RFID controlled security systems.
BIO: Alex is a DIY cyborg, aka grinder. He...
Related topics : rfid card access system / rfid card security system / rfid chip implant
DEF CON 17 - Chris Paget - RFID Mythbusting
RFID MythBusting
Chris Paget Founder, H4RDW4RE LLC
This presentation is about challenging many of the popular preconceptions about RFID technology. "Short-range" will be shot down first (I'm aiming to set a half-mile world record in the Nevada desert just before Defcon), "secure" will be busted second (don't bring _any_ RFID tags unless you want them cloned), "immune to electromagnetic pulse weaponry" will fall last (and hopefully most spectacularly). I'll be covering a wide range of different...
Related topics : rfid technology will / 125khz rfid tag range
3 Resources