Rank: 326 / 1333
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The Smart-Shelf (or wireless inventory control system) uses Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology to allow tracking of books, publications and folders in libraries or archiving departments . Items are individually tagged with RFID labels which are then linked to a database, making them easily retrievable.
Related topics : radio frequency identification technology rfid / radio frequency identification rfid systems / radio frequency identification tracking system / rfid smart shelf system / using rfid for inventory control
Supermarket Checkout
The Supermarket Checkout demonstrates how shopping of the future could be streamlined through the application of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and Near Field Communication (NFC) technologies. Smart shelves, RFID tags on items and contactless payment showcases how retail outlets can improve their processes by making them more efficient.
Related topics : radio frequency identification technology rfid / rfid radio frequency identification tags / rfid smart tag technology / tag rfid nfc
2 Resources