ifm group of companies
Rank: 311 / 1333
3 selected videos
A multitude of applications with long ranges
The ANT600 antenna is ideal for long writing / reading distances. A typical application is product tracking in the production process. The ANT600 may be used for storing e.g. production data or quality parameters on the ID tags.
In material logistics, the RFID system can easily determine whether the material and quantity of material match the production order. In plant control, product-specific machine parameters can be read from the ID tag attached to the product.
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Related topics : rfid tag production machine / rfid tags product tracking / products using rfid / rfid tagging system / rfid long range distance
HGV traffic monitoring using RFID technology
ifm have convinced Chimpex Constanta with a fully automated truck management system from RFID to SAP for 800 trucks per day. The application based on RFID technology helps the customer keep track of access control and information management when trucks are being loaded and unloaded and allows to closely monitor the HGV traffic. The person in charge has an overview of all trucks at the unloading bays and is constantly informed about the quantity of goods arriving at the bays and storage cells....
Related topics : rfid based tracking system / rfid technology application / rfid tracking technology / rfid monitoring system
La traçabilité du transport des céréales grâce à la technologie RFID
ifm a convaincu Chimpex Constanta d'utiliser un sytème entièrement automatique de gestion de 800 camions par jour allant de la prise d'informations par RFID jusqu'à SAP. L'application basée sur la technologie RFID aide le client à garder le contrôle des accès et à gérer les chargements et déchargements des camions permettant une gestion précise du traffic des denrées alimentaires. Le poste de contrôle a une vision complète de tous les camions présents sur les quais de...
3 Resources