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22 selected videos
HAR 2009: Realizing the RFID Guardian 1/4
Clip 1
Speaker: Serge Keyser
The RFID Guardian Project is an initiative to put practical open-source HW/SW tools for RFID Security and Privacy into the hands of security consultants and the general public alike. This talk will discuss Radio Frequency Identification, its security and privacy implications, and will provide the newest information about Version 4 of the RFID Guardian, which we intend to launch soon to the general public.
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Related topics : rfid security and privacy
24C3: Mifare (Little Security, Despite Obscurity)
Speakers: Karsten Nohl, Henryk Plötz
Mifare are the most widely deployed brand of secure RFID chips, but their security relies on proprietary and secret cryptographic primitives. We analyzed the hardware of the Mifare tags and found weaknesses in several parts of the cipher.
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Related topics : rfid chip security