GCR India
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4 selected videos
GCR's Asset Tracking Solutions: New Trends in Asset Tracking Technologies | Part 2
GCR offers a wide range of digital tools for business transformation. In this Asset tracking solution webinar series this is part 2 where the various technology variants for the asset tracking are getting covered. There are broadly Bluetooth base, RFID base, Barcode, QR code and NFC based asset tracking solutions available worldwide. The webinar provides an overview of each technology and the comparatives. GCR offers the customised solutions for asset tracking using Blue tooth, RFID, Mobile...
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In Premise Asset Tracking Solutions - GCR India
GCR offers Asset tracking solutions based on various technology variants such as BLE, RFID, mobile app and NFC. Using such technologies we have created solution application variants that suits to business specific needs. In premise asset tracking is one such variant which covers the organisation need to track the assets which are stationed within the premise. You can track and monitor the asset inventory, eliminate asset theft and optimum utilize the asset by locating it real time within huge...
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GCR's Asset Tracking Solutions: Technology Variants | Part 3
GCR offers a wide range of digital tools for business transformation. In this Asset tracking solution webinar series this is part 3 where the various technology variants for the asset tracking that GCR offers are getting covered. We offer Bluetooth base, RFID base, mobile app base and NFC based asset tracking solutions. At GCR depending on your business requirement, we customise the solution for you based on these technologies.
Know What is Asset Tracking here...
Related topics : rfid based asset tracking solution / rfid technology for asset tracking / rfid asset tracking solutions
Asset Tracking Solutions - GCR India
Asset tracking conventionally means many things but in general, it’s about tracking your valuable assets within your premises (small to huge) effectively. This can be done either by scanning barcode labels attached to the assets or by using tags using GPS, BLE or RFID which broadcast their location.
For more information visit https://www.gcrcloud.co.in/asset-tracking/
Related topics : rfid asset tracking solutions india / rfid tags for asset tracking / gps rfid asset tracking / rfid tag uses
4 Resources