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2 selected videos
Dream of the mark of the Beast and the Establishment with children in it pt. 1
People don't let them chip your new borns at hospitals with or without your knowledge or consent. They are now chipping new borns without parents consent or knowledge. Time to start using midwives to deliver babies at home. Take your children out of these schools and this medical system use herbal remedies if you have to yourself. Move out the country if you have to or go to the wilderness and learn how to live natural. Had a dream about an establishment filled mostly with children who had the...
Related topics : get rfid chip
Dream of the mark of the beast and the establishment building with children in it pt. 2
People don't let them chip your new borns at hospitals with or without your knowledge or consent. They are now chipping new borns without parents consent or knowledge. Time to start using midwives to deliver babies at home. Take your children out of these schools and this medical system use herbal remedies if you have to yourself. Move out the country if you have to or go to the wilderness and learn how to live natural. Had a dream about an establishment filled mostly with children who had the...
Related topics : get rfid chip
2 Resources