TEDx Talks
Rank: 1112 / 1333
4 selected videos
Exploring the Black Box: Pawel Pokutycki at TEDxHanzeUniversity
Pawel is an interaction designer, thinker and lecturer at the Royal Academy of Art (KABK) in The Hague. In 2005 he initiated early activities of the RFID Lab, later called the AR+RFID Lab, an experimental interdisciplinary platform for research in application of Augmented Reality (AR) and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technologies in art and design. His recent educational projects focus on exploring relationships between new media theory and political/social/cultural studies by concept...
Related topics : radio frequency identification technology rfid
Human evolution, the next chapter: cyborgs are being made today | Tom van Oudenaarden | TEDxRoermond
Tom will tell you what he is doing and show you what possibilities there will be for mankind in the future. From sports watches and telephone apps to chips implanted in the body that will do much more than only measure your heartbeat and glucoselevel…
the step beyond Bio-Hacking.
After his training as a goldsmith Tom van Oudenaarden (1979) started in 2006 as a body piercer. Besides his piercing work, Tom is engaged in body modification with aesthetic intent. In 2013 he came in contact...
Related topics : implant rfid chip technology
Internet das coisas sem mistérios. | Renata Rampim | TEDxPetrópolis
Pensar em IoT é pensar em dados que geram informação, que conectam sistemas e usuários. É o futuro da análise e processamento dos dados, é pensar num mundo de coisas inteligentes, casas, carros geladeiras, etc. A internet das coisas (IoT) é um conceito. Não é uma tecnologia como muitos pensam, mas sim é a integração do mundo real com o virtual a partir de um grupo de tecnologias.
Doutora em RFID pela UNICAMP, com estágio no Institut Polytechnique de Grenoble - FR. Certificada...
Biohacking - the forefront of a new kind of human evolution: Amal Graafstra at TEDxSFU
Ever wished you could unlock doors, turn on your lights, or log into your computer with a simple swipe of your hand? Amal Graafstra does just that as one of the first and most well-known "do-it-yourself" RFID (radio-frequency identification) implantees in the world. In this talk, Amal talks about his journey as a pioneer in RFID implementation and what you should know about biohacking.
In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people...
Related topics : radio frequency identification (rfid)
4 Resources