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2 selected videos
A few days ago, I wanted to add an RFID reader to my electric gate opener because HF remote controls are quite expensive. Unfortunately, during the wiring of the reader, I screwed up the existing controller board (with a short-circuit on the mains transformer...). Too bad for me, I should have disconnected mains power before that. Lesson learned. As I can't find any decent schematic on the web, I decided to design my own bi-DC motor controller. Of course, I want to add some nerdy features that...
Related topics : hf rfid reader / rfid reader design schematic
A few days ago, I wanted to add an RFID reader to my electric gate opener because HF remote controls are quite expensive. Unfortunately, during the wiring of the reader, I screwed up the existing controller board (with a short-circuit on the mains transformer...). Too bad for me, I should have disconnected mains power before that. Lesson learned. As I can't find any decent schematic on the web, I decided to design my own bi-DC motor controller. Of course, I want to add some nerdy features that...
Related topics : hf rfid reader
2 Resources