Rank: 1064 / 1333
2 selected videos
Awarenet - Data Capture Studio demo (3 ouf of 4)
Awarenet Data Capture Studio is the application within awarenet used to create rich data capture processes using RFID technologies and Awarenet tracking engine.
This video demonstrates the usage of DCS to create a simple data capture process which uses an RFID reader, a digital input/output controller, a motion sensor and a lightstack to create an intelligent data capture workflow.
Awarenet is a product of Athelia, the tracing company
Related topics : rfid technology uses / applications using rfid
Awarenet - Data Capture Studio demo (2 ouf of 4)
Awarenet Data Capture Studio is the application within awarenet used to create rich data capture processes using RFID technologies and Awarenet tracking engine.
This video demonstrates the usage of DCS to create a simple data capture process which uses an RFID reader, a digital input/output controller, a motion sensor and a lightstack to create an intelligent data capture workflow.
Awarenet is a product of Athelia, the tracing company
Related topics : rfid technology uses / applications using rfid
2 Resources