john lockett
Rank: 1031 / 1333
2 selected videos
The mother of all RFID MICRO CHIPS. Chips that control your very essence
The Mark of the Beast and its technology just stepped up a notch. And the evil ones are planning to use this technology on stupid gullible naive dumbed down people, who have no understanding of the truth on the Gospel of Jesus Christ/Yeshua.
Related topics : rfid micro chips / rfid controller chip
Leon was RFID Chipped, then died 8 months later from cancer
I hope this really gets your attention folks. RFID Chipping in animals
is slowing killing them. So what do you think it is going to do to humans that take the chip. I will tell you, not only will the chip eventually make you very sick, but send you to Hell in the process, for disobeying G-d/YAHUVEH
Related topics : get rfid chip
2 Resources