Rank: 1019 / 1333
3 selected videos
Statistical Inference of RFID Tag Positions: Inferring the Tag's Position (1st Run)
A video showing part of the results for my Undergraduate Thesis at UOIT. This thesis focused on an approach to statistically inferring the position of an RFID tag given a number of observations from RFID receivers at varying power levels and also given a set of calibration data for well defined points in the room.
This video visualizes statistical likelihood of a the Tag E existing at every defined point in the room given a set of recorded observations. The hotter the colour the greater the...
Related topics : rfid tag id number / define rfid tags
Statistical Inference of RFID Tag Positions: Inferring the Tag's Position (2nd Run)
A video showing part of the results for my Undergraduate Thesis at UOIT. This thesis focused on an approach to statistically inferring the position of an RFID tag given a number of observations from RFID receivers at varying power levels and also given a set of calibration data for well defined points in the room.
This video visualizes statistical likelihood of a the Tag E existing at every defined point in the room given a set of recorded observations. The hotter the colour the greater the...
Related topics : rfid tag id number / define rfid tags
Statistical Inference of RFID Tag Positions: Calibration Data for Tag E
A video showing part of the results for my Undergraduate Thesis at UOIT. This thesis focused on an approach to statistically inferring the position of an RFID tag given a number of observations from RFID receivers at varying power levels and also given a set of calibration data for well defined points in the room.
This video visualizes the calibration data used in the inference algorithm. The "hotter" the colour the higher the probability of detection at the particular power level. Each...
Related topics : rfid tag id number
3 Resources