Selected videos for topic: tracking system using rfid
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Binwise, an advanced harvest logistics and supply chain management system
Binwise is a harvest logistics and bin management system using proprietary RFID/NFC tags, smart phones, mobile apps, RFID portals and cloud software. This system will allow real-time tracking of bins, crates, containers, and/or punnets during harvest from the orchard through to packing. Binwise will also allow packhouses to manage their internal harvest bin inventories and allow packhouse managers to track the location of individual bins and their contents across an entire site, an entire...
From: Dataphyll
Related topics : rfid inventory management system / use of rfid in supply chain management / mobile rfid tracking system / rfid tag manager software / rfid tagging system
The Application of stolen Radioactive source tracking system with RFID interfacing with ARM7 LPC2148
TITLE:RFID based vehicle license plate registration monitoring system
The project aims at designing a system which helps in displaying the vehicle registration details on PC. This system makes use of RFID technology. Each vehicle is attached with a unique RFID tag. The system also has provision to enter the registration details like name, number etc.,,
1. PIC-C compiler for Embedded C programming.
2. PIC kit 2 programmer for dumping code into Micro controller.
3. Express SCH...
From: HVS Technologies
Related topics : rfid based vehicle tracking system / rfid tag tracking system / vehicle tracking rfid technology / rfid monitoring system / rfid for tracking vehicles
School Bus tracking using GPS with camera and RFID by Wheelz Tracker Security Systems, Chennai
We have been counted amongst the most trusted names in this domain, engaged in trading a standard quality range of Personal GPS Tracker. Offered product is quality tested.
From: IndiaMART Sellers - Electronics & Machines
Related topics : security system using rfid / gps rfid tracking system / rfid tracking system for schools
WaMaSo - Warehouse Management
Warehouse management system consisting:
-Barcode to RFID converter
-RFID gate for identifiying products
-Optical Vision System for tracking products in warehouse
-Database to combine all parts mentioned above to one
+ software for displaying all the required information and for using the system and to administrate it
All RFID tags and readers are working in the UHF frequency.
Extra: remote controlled Wifibot as "forklift truck"
From: Centria TKI
Related topics : rfid warehouse management system / rfid warehouse tracking system / rfid tag reader system / rfid gate control system / rfid barcode system
Sobal's RFID is Reaching for the SkyeModule : DigInfo
DigInfo - Sobal Co. showed their new Skye Module M9CF which is useful for manufacturers who want to setup their own RFID system for keeping track of their products. RFID, radio frequency identification, uses radio waves to identify objects through the embedded tags and checks in the associated database or catalogue. These systems used to be more expensive than UPC codes and barcodes but with this system it is making it more viable. The system has three interfaces:...
From: ikinamo
Related topics : radio frequency identification rfid systems / rfid radio frequency identification tags / radio frequency identification tracking system / tracking system using rfid / rfid tag tracking system
Arduino RFID switching
Radio-frequency identification (RFID) uses electromagnetic fields to automatically identify and track tags attached to objects. The tags contain electronically stored information. Passive tags collect energy from a nearby RFID reader's interrogating radio waves. Active tags have a local power source such as a battery and may operate at hundreds of meters from the RFID reader.
Using that system we have experimented lighting rate device which has ability to measure light intensity. The uniqueness...
From: Robert Kodra
Related topics : radio frequency identification tags (rfid) / rfid active reader passive tag / radio frequency identification rfid systems / radio frequency identification device rfid / active and passive rfid tags
Smart Attendance Management System Using RFID Module
CSE 316 Project - January 2017
Project Name:
Smart Attendance Management System Using RFID Module
Brief Description:
The purpose of this project is to maintain a smart attendance management system and done using MFRC-522 RFID Module, Atmega32. This project can be implemented in practical life such as in schools, colleges, offices, etc. A person having RFID tag needs to swipe it on the module and the module will take data from the tag and pass the data to the Atmega32. The data will be a ID...
From: Shantanu Dutta Nitun
Related topics : tracking system using rfid
RFID Library System English
INLIB RFID Library System from Invengo has been used in 150+ libraries tracking millions of books and library materials. It is user friendly and proven to bring great benefits to improve library services to its patrons.
From: Invengo Technology
Related topics : rfid system in library / tracking system using rfid
Arduino RFID Reader Final
For Code and Schematic of Arduino Based RFID Reader visit
A radio frequency identification reader (RFID reader) is a device used to gather information from an RFID tag. It can be used to track individual objects. It is widely used in a number of applications including various Attendance Systems, Key-less door locks, Fast-Tag at Toll Plazas, Automatic Parking Systems, etc.
From: Positron Technologies
Related topics : rfid tag reader arduino / radio frequency identification device rfid / rfid reader device / rfid reader frequency / radio frequency identification tags (rfid)
Student Attendance Management
Student Attendance Management System using RFID, Mobile Apps, Portal
As a dedicated teacher, one thinks that attendance in class is very crucial for students. Most of the progressive teacher feel book-keeping needed in keeping track of student attendance is an overhead and it eats up time inside the classroom.
The innovative student attendance management system by DigitalEdu eliminates efforts needed in book-keeping and also take the process one step ahead. with our solutions parents can be...
From: digitaledunet
Related topics : mobile rfid tracking system