RFID Based Automated Gate Control System by Switzer Instrument Ltd
A brief presentation by Switzer Instrument Ltd on RFID Based Automated Gate Control System.
Here, UHF passive RFID readers are placed near the exit and entry of the apartments.
The passive UHF windshield tags are placed on the windshield of the authorized or registered cars belonging to the residents.
As soon as the tagged car comes near the read range of the RFID readers, it triggers the boom barriers to open automatically. Thus allowing only authorized cars to move in or out of the...
From: Prateek Kumar
Related topics : rfid gate control system / uhf passive rfid tag reader / passive rfid readers / uhf passive tags
uhf tags,rfid scanner cost,rfid conference,programming rfid tags,rfid for inventory tracking,passive
From: angel li
Related topics : cost of passive rfid tags / rfid inventory tracking tags / passive uhf rfid tag / rfid tag scanner / uhf rfid tags
RFID Motion Sensor
An enhanced passive UHF RFID tag able to monitor human movements
Related topics : enhanced uhf rfid sensor tag / passive uhf rfid tag / uhf rfid tags
GETSMART Semi UHF RFID tags with LED and sound
The Semi UHF RFID tags is based on the 860mhz~960mhz working frequency of passive RFID tags, but added a sound and light. Thus it can be used in the application which could find the items exactly where it is.
It can used on a lot different applications for Quick Search, such as warehouse inventory of the object positioning, clothing cap find positioning, book finding, locating, file locating, barrels locating...etc
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Related topics : uhf rfid tags frequency / passive uhf rfid tag / semi passive rfid tags / rfid tag frequency / rfid tags uses