Selected videos for topic: rfid technology supply chain
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Increasing Supply-Chain Visibility with Rule-Based RFID Data Analysis
RFID technology tracks the flow of physical items and goods in supply chains
to help users detect inefficiencies, such as shipment delays, theft, or inventory
problems. An inevitable consequence, however, is that it generates huge
numbers of events. To exploit these large amounts of data, the Supply Chain
Visualizer increases supply-chain visibility by analyzing RFID data, using a mix
of automated analysis techniques and human effort. The tool's core concepts
include rule-based analysis...
From: mtbfloh
Related topics : rfid technology supply chain
RFID: The Next Big Little Thing
Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) is poised to replace bar-codes as the primary means of tracking and inventorying pallets and cases in the commercial supply chain. The uses of this technology, however, extend far beyond the supply chain. RFID will soon become an integral part of our everyday lives. This talk will cover the fundamentals of RFID technology, the reasons for its impending adoption, the many benefits and looming issues, how it may impact the way we live and work, and the...
From: UWTV
Related topics : radio frequency identification technology (rfid)