VERICHIP - FDA Approved Human-Implantable RFID Microchip
VeriChip - FDA Approved Human-Implantable RFID Microchip used to access medical information in an emergency when you are unconcious or impaired and end up at the Emergency Room
From: VeriChipSavedMyLife
Related topics : rfid human implant
Obamacare Secret: "RFID Chip Implants"
Hidden Obamacare Secret: "RFID Chip Implants"
"Buried deep within the over 1,000 pages of the massive US Health Care Bill (PDF) in a "non-discussed" section titled: Subtitle C-11 Sec. 2521— National Medical Device Registry, and which states its purpose as........ He quotes that part of the law and then goes on to say: "In "real world speak", according to this , this new law, when fully implemented, provides the framework for making the United States the first Nation in the World to require...
From: James Middleton
Related topics : rfid radio frequency identification chip implanted in all us citizens / rfid chip implant / radio frequency identification (rfid) chip / radio frequency identification rfid obamacare / rfid controller chip
RFID Chip finally arrived in society
RFID implants
From: doomdaily
Related topics : rfid chip implant
HOPE Number Six: How to Steal Someone's Implanted RFID - And Why You'd Want To
HOPE Number 6 took place on July 21-23, 2006 at Hotel Pennsylvania in New York City.
Annalee Newitz will talk about how she got a RFID implant to demonstrate some of the basic security problems with these devices. These are problems that the companies who make RFID systems are either ignoring or outright lying about. She'll discuss the process of implanting the RFID, including getting the surgery and unpleasant dealings with VeriChip. She will also talk about the many problems with security...
From: mhzghz2
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