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This following video presentation demonstrates dispensing RFID Debit MIFARE VendaCards. Accepts cash and also optional credit cards. Available in 4 different configurations. (1.) Low cost $795.00 Model 5002E single card dispenser. (2.) Low cost $995.00 Model 5002E dual card dispenser. (3.) Combination $1,995.00 Model 5096 dual dispenser with cash acceptance, 2x20 back illuminated LCD, IP address for remove internet polling and RFID MIFARE VendaCard Reader-writer. (4.) Model 5096 with...
From: Darrell Rademacher
Related topics : rfid credit card reader writer
RFID Reader and Writer System (13.56Mhz)
My initial implementation of an RFID System which allows for reading and writing with various options to Mifare 1k Class RFID Tags at 13.56 Mhz.
I take no credit for the libraries written by Adafruit for the TFT and those hardworking
individuals who worked on the SD and RFID libraries. Most of my code was based off of their work (which is provided on the Arduino web page) so I did not see the need to post any code.
Hardware Used:
Arduino Uno
MFRC522 (NXP) RFID Reader /Writer
1.8 TFT...
From: Garland Truong
Related topics : rfid based tracking system / rfid based library system / rfid tag reader system / rfid card reader system / rfid mifare card reader writer
OSAYDE MSR880 3-in-1 Magnetic & RFID NFC &Psam Reader&Writer/Encoder
1. OSAYDE MSR880 link on Amazon:
2.Software Downloading link:
3.Contact US:
Tel: + 86 13823729430 ( WhatsApp account )
Wechat Number: Sable_Wu
4.About OSAYDE:
OSAYDE is more than a word,
It's the most desired brand in North America, Europe and Asia.
To see a world in a grip of credit card reader,
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand ,
And eternity in a moment.
Related topics : rfid credit card reader writer
Android RFID Card Reader
We have developed a hardware add-on for a RFID card reader/writer, capable of reading classic Mifare 1K RFID cards/tags. You can connect it to your Android device through the USB port. A few expensive Android phones already have a NFC/RFID reader built-in. There are other stand-alone RFID scanners that can connect via blue-tooth as well.
But we have developed a hardware add-on that can connect to the USB port directly. So, if you have a basic Android device. With this hardware add-on, you can...
From: Alfatek Systems
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From: Mazen Reda
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How to login to Windows with a magstripe or RFID card
Read/Writer: MSR605X
Magstripe/NFC Reader: ZCS100-RF
You don't necessarily need to get the MSR605X to program blank cards, you can use any card with a magstripe on it that isn't blank to sign into your computer. Examples include old hotel cards, old credit cards (never use a working credit card), etc. They all contain a string of text that you can use as your password, rather than having to buy blank cards and programming them.
From: Chris Hansen
Related topics : rfid credit card reader writer / buy rfid credit card reader / credit card rfid nfc
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