Prototype - portable interactive RFID product display (2016)
Portable RFID reader for quickly prototyping interactive product displays.
Products are fitted with a RFID/NFC chip (we're using Oyster as an example) and any size screen can be connected to the RFID reader.
Once the product is placed on the reader, a relevant image or animation can be displayed on the screen.
The system is designed so that you can easily take it with you to a pitch meeting and illustrate how easy and fast it is to build interactive product displays.
It's a Unity app built...
From: Alex Anpilogov
Related topics : portable rfid reader android / products with rfid chips / nfc rfid reader
Using a Phone with RFID for Train (public transport) pass
Many people have a monthly train or bus pass card which contains an RFID chip.
Simply holding your card near the RFID reader is all you need to pass through. But pulling out the card and always having it on you is annoying. What if our phones had RFID technology built in? Maybe you could just open the app for the RFID service you need and Voila, you're in!
Pretty soon we will be using our phones to pay for soda at vending machines, accessing locked doors and getting on the...
From: TravelingDirector
Related topics : rfid chip card reader / rfid card reader technology
ReadID - NFC Passport Reader demo
InnoValor's ReadID demo app (previously known as NFC Passport Reader) reads and verifies the RFID chip embedded in electronic passports and other ICAO compliant identity documents (ePassport, or, in ICAO Doc 9309 terminology, Machine Readable Travel Documents: MRTD). The app optically scans the Machine Readable Zone (MRZ) to gain access to the embedded chip. It then reads the embedded chip and displays the biographical and biometric information of the document holder, as well as document...
From: InnoValor
Related topics : rfid chip reader app / nfc rfid reader
3 Resources