Lock Wallet
Learn more: https://www.buylockwallet.com/?mid=6915548
A portable vault for your cash, cards, and ID. Most credit card have RFID chips that broadcast a signal that can be stolen up to 10ft away! The secret is Lock Wallet's nano-thin layer of RFID-blocking aluminum that puts an impenetrable barrier between your personal information and RFID readers, protecting you from credit card fraud!
From: AsSeenOnTV
Related topics : credit card wallet with rfid protection / rfid credit card reader
MagSpoof - magnetic stripe spoofer / credit card magstripe emulator
MagSpoof is a device that can spoof/emulate any magnetic stripe or credit card *wirelessly*.
Full details at https://samy.pl/magspoof/
By Samy Kamkar
- Allows you to store all of your credit cards and magstripes in one device
- Works on traditional magstripe readers wirelessly (no NFC/RFID required)
- Can disable Chip-and-PIN
- Correctly predicts Amex credit card numbers + expirations from previous card number
- Supports all three magnetic stripe tracks, and even supports Track 1+2...
From: Samy Kamkar
Related topics : rfid credit card reader wireless / rfid card reader device / rfid card id number
Building an RFID Bear - Success!.3gp
This is my successful first test of the electronics of an RFID Bear Kit. It's an Arduino Uno controlling an Adafruit WaveShield 1.1 and a Parallax RFID reader. The hardware senses a nearby RFID chip (the one in my hand at the bottom right at the start of the video) and plays back an associated WAV file, stored on the SD card.
Description and instructions to make this are available at:
Thanks to David Harris for creating...
From: Charles Bullock
Related topics : parallax rfid card reader arduino / rfid chip card reader