Selected videos for topic: radio frequency identification chip implant
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RFID chips: a key to more or less freedom?
Losing his keys is no longer a concern for Sandro Portner: all he needs to do to open his front door is swipe his hand in front of this chip reader.
A fan of new technology, this young man from Switzerland has had two Radio Frequency Identification chips implanted into his body. He is part of a new generation of what some have branded "enhanced human beings".
"I'm not saying it's indispensable. But I'm a high-tech fan and it's an invention I was interested in trying out, and it's easy to...
From: euronews Knowledge
Related topics : radio frequency identification chip implant / radio frequency identification chip in humans
Orwell 2.0 Or New HANDY Identification Tool? Chip Under Skin - Hi-Tech
At the newly opened Epicenter office complex in central Stockholm, workers no longer need a badge or pass code to open doors: a microchip implanted in their hand does the trick.
The radio-frequency identification or RFID chip is made of pyrex glass and contains an antenna and microchip, with no need for batteries.
It allows carriers to open doors, operate a photocopier or swap contact details via a smartphone.
Co-founder and CEO of the high-tech office complex, which is home to innovative...
From: euronews Knowledge
Related topics : radio frequency identification rfid chip / rfid chip hand implantation
RFID chip - Radio Frequency Identification Device
One of the global elites dreams is to see everyone on this planet with implanted RFID chips in there hands. You can perform transactions with this chip, it stores all your personal information. Your location (Latitude and Longitude) can also be traced. Reminds me of revelation 13 in the bible which states:
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he...
Related topics : radio frequency identification (rfid) chip / radio frequency identification device rfid / rfid chip hand implantation / buy rfid chip implant
1 in 3 truthers Have Been Implanted With RFID Chip memes, Unaware consent waptek
most are in teeth says The National Report that said the Wyoming Institute of Technology said that
John T. Brugle, Ph.D & Mary Franz, Ph.D, M.P.H. said hoax sites like Witscience, The Onion & the
National Report do Anything for the views & the majority of youtube truthers don't question sources
Oct 25, 2004—French RFID startup Dentalax has launched its RFID-based system to provide a way
to reduce errors and improve productivity in the development of dental prosthetics, crowns &...
Related topics : radio frequency identification (rfid) chip / implant rfid chip technology / radio frequency identification rfid systems / products with rfid chips
TechKnow MeetUp November 6, 2018 - RFID and NFC Implants
*** WARNING ***
Brayden does get his hand injected in this video, so if you don't like needles or blood, this might not be a video for you! There will be a warning before this happens.
At our meetup we had John Hass and Brayden Eldridge as our presenters. In their presentation they discussed what you need to know about Radio Frequency Identification and Near Field Communication Implants. John & Brayden have both already injected RFID implants in their hands and have been...
From: TechKnow
Related topics : rfid chip hand implantation / rfid hand implant / security system using rfid / radio frequency identification chip implant / radio frequency identification (rfid) chip
Inventions - Microchips implanted under the skin of office workers
At the newly opened Epicenter office complex in central Stockholm, office workers can now open doors and operate the photocopier with a chip implanted in their hands. The so-called RFID (radio-frequency identification) chip is made from Pyrex glass and contains an antenna and microchip, with no need for batteries.
Story ref: RTV260215054
From: ITN Source
Related topics : radio frequency identification (rfid) chip / rfid chip hand implantation / rfid chip implant
Obamacare Secret: "RFID Chip Implants"
Hidden Obamacare Secret: "RFID Chip Implants"
"Buried deep within the over 1,000 pages of the massive US Health Care Bill (PDF) in a "non-discussed" section titled: Subtitle C-11 Sec. 2521— National Medical Device Registry, and which states its purpose as........ He quotes that part of the law and then goes on to say: "In "real world speak", according to this report, this new law, when fully implemented, provides the framework for making the United States the first Nation in the World to...
From: Breaking News
Related topics : rfid radio frequency identification chip implanted in all us citizens / rfid chip implant / radio frequency identification (rfid) chip / radio frequency identification rfid obamacare / rfid controller chip
October 1, 2020 Americans Will Be FORCED to Comply | Mark of the Beast
Are RFID chips really the mark of the beast? The new world order and mark of the beast and RFID means radio frequency identification chip.
The RFID implants are real.
Is it coming? Or it being implanted? It's already being implanted in Humans hand. For now for office employees it's a mandatory to get an RFID microchip. It's being implanted in America, in Sweden. RFID chip is not fake. RFID is real. Many say and ask is RFID real? It is. It will replace our current financial system with...
From: Catalogue 101
Related topics : radio frequency identification (rfid) chip / rfid chip hand implantation / rfid chip implant / radio frequency identification chip in humans
PT4 Taking The RFID Chip Is A Sin Unto Death!
If you take the RFID Chip you are sinning because you are not to cut yourselves, as the Bible says!
Here are some links on RFID Chip:
From: GMSRootednBuiltUp4
Related topics : radio frequency identification (rfid) chip / radio frequency identification chip in humans / radio frequency identification rfid systems
The Truth About RFID Chip Implants (MUST WATCH)
This is a video explaining the truth about RFID (Radio frequency Identification) chip implants.
From: Dope Matics
Related topics : radio frequency identification chip implant / rfid chip implant