RFID Micro-Chip Video Leads Man To Christ...
A 24 year old man in South Africa gets saved watching RFID 666 Micro-Chip video's http://www.paulbegleyprophecy.com
From: Paul Begley
Related topics : rfid micro chips / get rfid chip
Will you get the RFID chip? Will I? No!
What are your thoughts on the RFID chip and what will you do when that time comes and its becomes mandatory???
Here goes the link of the Christian Parents from Texas that refused their kids to have a RFID chip.
Please comment.
and Like and subscribe. God Bless.
From: Turnt Up Tina
Related topics : get rfid chip
How To Remove a RFID Chip
RFID chips inside credit and debit cards are becoming more common and if you have one you run the risk of having someone steal the information your chip is broadcasting from your pocket. Protect your identity by getting a card without this chip, if you have one here's how to remove it using household supplies.
From: Joyo292
Related topics : rfid chip in credit card / get rfid chip
Esau: RFID / NFC Chip Implant Agenda ( The O2 Arena )
The O2 Arena - Greenwich peninsula, South-East London is a state-of-the-art arena ... http://www.theo2.co.uk
They are making sure people are getting use to using the RFID / NFC chip in your everyday life. RFID technology and deception
( Mark of The Beast )
The CREEPY plans of the Illuminati Exposed! The world is deceived by Esau, Edomites!
You will NOT believe how obvious it is.
Revelation 13:16-17 And he causeth all, both small and great,...
From: GMSShieldOFaith
Related topics : rfid chips uses / implant rfid chip technology / rfid technology uses
Simple Truth UPDATE: Texas School District Makes RFID Chips MANDATORY
The RFID chip strikes again! A Texas school district is implementing a program to chip (via student ID cards) every middle school and high school student and making it MANDATORY.
Listen to the story of Andrea Hernandez (High School student) who is standing up for her rights and refusing to carry the RFID chipped ID!
The Simple Truth is...This is a foreshadowing of things to come throughout the U.S. - GET READY''
The simple things are often times the most profound, yet they are the most...
From: Jermaine F West
Related topics : youtube rfid chip credit card / programming rfid chips / rfid id cards in schools / get rfid chip
RFID Update: Men getting the RFID chip & Body Hacking devices implanted into them
RFID Update: Men getting the RFID chip & Body Hacking devices implanted into them
From: GMS Sand Storm
Related topics : get rfid chip / hacking rfid chips / rfid chip implant / rfid device
The mark of the beast deception part 1
RFID chip's is something that is man made, made my deviant groups who want to take control of your freedom and censer everything that can be censored, it was made by companies and scientists, and RFID chips emit radio frequency waves to help government enslave and target ppl, sense it's it's made by so many people in those professional fields how can it be the mark of the beast, the mark of the beast only comes from the Son of Perdition and the False Prophet, Rev 13, DO NOT GET RFID CHIP'S,...
From: ResearchforTargetedIndividuals RoaringWisdom
Related topics : get rfid chip / rfid smart chip / rfid chip companies / rfid controller chip / radio frequency chip companies
DIY Hacks & How To's: RFID Transplant
RFID (radio-frequency identification) systems are all around us. They help us get through toll booths faster. They help stores keep track of inventory. They are even in a lot of toys.
But there is no reason why the RFID chips need to stay in their original housing. In this project, I am going to show you how to transplant a RFID chip into a different housing to make it more convenient or at least more fun use. You can make an RFID reactive wallet, multi-tool, or cell phone case. The only limit...
From: Make:
Related topics : radio frequency identification rfid systems / radio frequency identification (rfid) chip / rfid chip tracking system / hacking rfid chips / radio frequency identification tracking system
Will people be forced to get the RFID chip?
Can they force you to get the chip and what happens if you don't get it?
From: preppernurse1
Related topics : get rfid chip
Hackers Attack Scientist Implanted with RFID Chip Gets Virus.
I know yall have been scared about this chip subject. Well you to know if it is a computer or a chip or anything made by human hands another human can adjust it or change it or make it evolved. I believe people have the right to choose if they want a chip in there skin and I know if people get chipped and they don't really want them people are going to start hacking them and expressing themselves in many forms. Anyway get educated and look up that trans pacific Partnership. Fuk what I think do...
From: Gobiginternational Justice Genetics
Related topics : get rfid chip