Selected videos for topic: future uses of rfid technology
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Modification For Student Project NUS
GEK 1511 Student Project using clips extracted from: - This is a 10 minute overview of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and how it is changing markets and careers. The video explores supply chain, airline, bottling, and warehousing industries and how RFID is revolutionizing them (uses of rfid?) How RFID works (how it works loh) The...
From: devilcatz84
Related topics : radio frequency identification technology (rfid) / future uses of rfid technology / supply chain using rfid
100 billion new computers the size of a grain of sand, RFID technology Mark of The BEAST
"RFID technology will be used in billions of things in our world - and these tiny chips will also be fused to brain tissue. 10 billion RFID computer chips were used by Wal-Mart alone last year. Impact of RFID on retailing, manufacturing, wholesale, distribution. Security and privacy. Multimedia conference lecture, keynote presentation by Futurist Dr Patrick Dixon. You can watch the entire presentation on Google Video (one hour keynote conference lecture on future trends)"
thx² ICTer4life...
From: AwakenedAnon
Related topics : future uses of rfid technology / rfid chips uses / rfid chip technology / retail rfid technology / use of rfid in manufacturing
Future of Retail Banking - impact of mobile phones, RFID and alternative payment systems, online banking and financial services trends. Conference keynote speaker Patrick Dixon Threat to retail banks from mobile phone payment systems using SMS, RFID and other technologies including biometrics (fingerprint). How mobile / wireless technologies will transform retail financial services, purchases especially for relatively low value transactions. Video interrupted by security guard on instructions from his boss.... clearly making even a short YouTube video is itself a potential threat! Maybe they are right. YouTube comments...
From: Patrick Dixon Futurist Keynote Speaker for Industry Conference
Related topics : rfid mobile phone payment / rfid retail security system / retail rfid technology