Main topics about active rfid reader
active rfid tag reader • active rfid reader range • rfid active reader passive tag • long range active rfid reader • active rfid reader arduino • active rfid reader with gps • wavetrend active rfid reader • More ...
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IOT-Link: Bluetooth V4.0 BLE Active RFID system for RTLS, real time location system
voir la vidéoThe Bluetooth V4.0 BLE Active RFID system include the items.
1. BLE Tag: support panic button, G-sensor or various sensors
2. BLE Reader: read all the data broadcasted from the tag.
3. WiFi Gateway: bridge all the tag data read from the reader to the control center.
The RTLS system will support the applications.
Location system: Asset, Passenger, Patient, Trailer
Access control: Garage, Enterprises, Bank, Vehicle, Factory, Hospital,
Superstore, School, Warehouse
1. Logistic...
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Active RFID 2.45 GHz Speed Test by Sagato Technology
voir la vidéoบริษัท ซากาโต้ เทคโนโลยี ได้ทำการทดสอบระบบ RFID ระยะไกล (long range) โดยการ Detect ระหว่าง Reader กับ Active Tag ที่ความถี่ 2.45 GHz ทำการทดสอบด้วยความเร็วรถยนตร์ที่ 80 และ 120 กิโลเมตร/ชั่วโมง
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Radio-frequency identification (RFID)
voir la vidéoRadio-frequency identification (RFID) uses electromagnetic fields to automatically identify and track tags attached to objects. The tags contain electronically stored information. Passive tags collect energy from a nearby RFID reader's interrogating radio waves. Active tags have a local power source such as battery and may operate at hundreds of meters from the RFID reader. Unlike a barcode, the tag need not be within the line of sight of the reader, so it may be embedded in the tracked object....
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Tempcorder™ Sense Tag Demonstration
voir la vidéoThe digital sensor of the Sense Tag measures a temperature range from -20°C to +70°C and can be read by the reader at a long reading distance of up to 50 meters. Sense tag has compact yet robust casing with IP65 protection standard making it suitable for applications in harsh environments.
Detailed Specification:
For more information, please read
Hong Kong RFID Ltd.
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voir la vidéoMore info at:
A small application with an Arduino or rather a clone called RBBB:
- RFID reader cards (ID12 reader - 125kHz)
- If the RFID card is valid, it plays a melody corresponding to each card, if not, it beeps and lights a red LED,
- Then it activates a relay if the card is valid
- And finally write in the EEPROM memory of the Arduino, the number of times the card was used.
The melodies are played by a...
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RFID Reader | RFID Reader Singapore | RFID Card Reader Singapore | RFID RTLS |
voir la vidé is a specialist RFID consultancy/hardware/software firm, we
can help you evaluate, design, develop and implement highly efficient,
cost-effective and performance-driven RFID solutions in Singapore. Small, medium
and large businesses and organisations catered for. All major RFID technologies
are covered. This includes HF; passive, semi-active and active UHF; RTLS; GPS;
NFC; Biometrics; Security and Asset protection RFID for Industrial, Supply Chain
Management (SCM), Automotive...
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Check also :
Introduction of UHF 433 MHz Active RFID Reader/Receiver with RS485 RS232 (214011)
voir la vidéoThe UHF 433 MHz Active RFID Reader/Receiver with RS485 RS232 detects and decodes RF transmitted signals from compatible Wavetrend tags. The data from detected tags is sent by the reader via RS485/RS232 or USB to authorized corporate computing systems.It can be used in two modes: hardware auto-polling mode for continuous feed of tag data to the system in the fastest possible manner and software polling mode for dynamic communication with each reader by software applications, instant notification...
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Check also :
Active RFID Tag 2.4GHz for CRM, PREVIEW
voir la vidéo52mm x 30mm x 4.5mm
Battery replaceable
The video presents an Active RFID 2.4GHz solution. Hussar™ Active Tag model (HKRAT-NT02) provides excellent reading range and read/write reliability for high value applications such as people or asset tracking, inventory management, supply chain management and so on. It is small in size and easy to carry around with its key fob design. Together with the wireless EMPRESS™ Reader, the whole system can be easily installed at an affordabe price. This...
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RFID based Attendance Log System
voir la vidéoThis project is based on the Raspberry Pi Board. RFID reader is Interfaced with the Pi board serially and transmits the Data when a RFID card(tag) comes in contact with the reader. The data is stored in the database and is displayed in real time on the Web page with the log details like Time, date, day and In & Out activity.
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What does all of this RFID lingo mean?
voir la vidéoIn this video we do our best to explain the most common RFID lingo.
- Types of RFID: LF vs. HF vs UHF vs. NFC
- Passive vs. Active RFID
- Operational Frequency / Frequency Range
- Power Level / Sensitivity
- RFID Tags: Tag Memory, Tag Size, IC Type, Read Range, Hex vs. ASCII
-RFID Reader: Fixed vs. Mobile, Region, Power Output, GPIO, Read Range
- RFID Antennas: Gain, Beam width, Front to Back Ratio, Axial Ratio, Polarization, Maximum Input Power, VSWR
- Cable and Connector Types
Download Free...
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Activating External Barcode Scanners using TSL® UHF RFID Readers over a Bluetooth® connection
voir la vidéoThis video demonstrates how Apps, built on TSL® SDKs, can use our UHF RFID Readers to control the barcode scanner on a connected terminal.
In this example, using the Honeywell EDA50 (Android™) terminal's in-built barcode imager to scan the RFID Reader's QR code gives the App the Bluetooth® MAC address needed to pair and connect the Reader to the terminal.
With the Reader now connected, the RFID Scan Scan Write app 'listens' for Reader trigger actuations and, in the first step, activates...
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AR500U the best money can buy long range rfid reader - from MAG
voir la vidéoMAG AR500U is a highly affordable active RFID long range reader that can penetrate any windows solar film to truly offer maximum distance handsfree parking access control.
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RDM6300 125Khz RFID Reader demonstrated with Arduino UNO
voir la vidéoAuthentication systems are used in many places such as in Attendance sysstems, Login Time Tracking and also for Identifcation systems. The RFID is the most widely used cheap solutin that is used for the identificatin process. There are many types of card as active cards , passive cards etc.
The passive cards are those that does not have any power supply for the card. They have a frequncy of 125Khz. These cards have a unique identification number that is stored on the card. These unique...
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Asset Tracking (Hussar™ Active RFID Tags with Empress™ Handheld Reader)
With the help of Hussar™ Active Tags and a wireless reader, you can track and locate almost anything you can imagine anywhere. Take an office as an example, RFID tags can be attached to sensitive documents and high-value mobile IT equipment. The system can send out warning signals when these items are taken out of the reading range.
For more information, please read
Hong Kong RFID Ltd.
From: HK RFID Business Case and Product Demo
Related topics : active rfid tag reader / active rfid tag read range / active rfid tags for sale / rfid tags for asset tracking / active rfid tracking system
ID Integration V-Tag Active RFID Solution
Save time and money with this emerging technology using active RFID tags to transform the concept of work-in-process tracking and RFID location tracking into a more cost effective and tangible solution for many companies while eliminating the need for expensive infrastructure. V-TagTM is an RFID active tag asset tracking system that has the ability for the tags to "talk" to each other, rather than communicating through fixed RFID readers and antennas. No more expensive infrastructure setup is...
From: ID Integration
Related topics : rfid active tag technology / active rfid asset tags / rfid tag location tracking / active rfid tag reader / active rfid tags cost
2.45GHz directional active RFID reader for vehicle management and school attendance
From: Aerospace Innotech HTRFID
Related topics : active rfid reader
Controlling Servo with RFID Card Reader (Arduino)
This project detects an RFID-Tag and activates a Servo if the Tag is successfully detected. The second project can be used to open a door with a RFID-Card.
From: thadeusz l
Related topics : active rfid tag arduino / rfid tag reader arduino / active rfid tag reader / rfid projects using arduino / active rfid tags
Asset Tracking & Identification (Garrison™ Active RFID Tag)
This video demonstrates how the garrison tag can be used to perform asset tracking and identification with a handheld reader. Special features like buttons, LED, temperature sensors and humidity sensors can be added onto garrison tags for individual needs. By choosing the item ID on the reader, the LED on that item's tag will light up to differentiate itself from other items. It can also work the other way round. If you press the button on the tag, the item ID on the reader will change color....
From: HK RFID Business Case and Product Demo
Related topics : active rfid asset tags / active rfid tag temperature sensor / active rfid tags for sale
Active RFID Reader -function presentation
Omni-directional active RFID reader, max reading range 80m with active card.
From: Marktrace RFID
Related topics : active rfid reader range / card reader rfid
Active RFID 2.45 GHz Speed Test by Sagato Technology
บริษัท ซากาโต้ เทคโนโลยี ได้ทำการทดสอบระบบ RFID ระยะไกล (long range) โดยการ Detect ระหว่าง Reader กับ Active Tag ที่ความถี่ 2.45 GHz ทำการทดสอบด้วยความเร็วรถยนตร์ที่ 80 และ 120 กิโลเมตร/ชั่วโมง
From: Paprakalow
Related topics : long range active rfid reader / rfid tag reader long range / rfid active tag technology
MAG AR500U Long Range Reader - With High Speed Detection - Part 1
MAG AR500U is a long range RFID reader able to read at a fast rate allowing vehicle to pass through quickly and hassle free. It is also highly affordable active RFID long range reader that can penetrate any windows solar film to truly offer maximum distance handsfree parking access control.
✔Enjoy the convenient of handsfree - no need fully stop to flash card
✔No more getting hand wet during rainy days or expose to robbery threat when winding down windows to flash card
✔ Reduce...
From: Magnet MAG
Related topics : long range active rfid reader / rfid long range distance
Setting up TagSense ZR-ETH Active RFID Reader
This video demonstrates how to connect the ZR-ETH reader to your local TCP/IP network and access the configuration settings.
From: tagsense2009
Related topics : active rfid reader
Active RFID Tracking Web Application Simulation
Active RFID people / asset tracking system video showing a simulation of what tracking would look like between 8 rooms, using 5 tags.
Items being tracked are initially stored in the stock room, they are then moved into other rooms, and finally back to the stock room.
Large orange spots indicate positions of readers.
From: nstech1
Related topics : active rfid tracking system / rfid tag tracking system / asset tracking rfid uk / rfid tags for asset tracking / active rfid asset tags