Selected articles for topic: rfid card reader writer software
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Libraries — ESP8266 Arduino Core 2.4.0 documentation
Other libraries (not included with the IDE) ¶
Libraries that don't rely on low-level access to AVR registers should work well. Here are a few libraries that were verified to work:
Adafruit_ILI9341 - Port of the Adafruit ILI9341 for the ESP8266
arduinoVNC - VNC Client for Arduino
arduinoWebSockets - WebSocket Server and Client compatible with ESP8266 (RFC6455)
aREST - REST API handler...
Date: 2017-12-08 18:59:14
Related topics : rfid library arduino download / rfid library arduino / rfid library for arduino / library management using rfid / library using rfid
DILETTA 800i Inkjet Passport Printer for e-Passports
High secure colour inkjet passport printing system with integrated RFID module
Not all printing looks alike
DILETTA 800i print looks different, it is premium quality.
DILETTA 800i sets high targets for travel document printing. Whether on standard paper or directly on passport security paper - this printer is a real expert. Its real life-like colours are clean, bright and reliable for many years....
Date: 2017-01-30 15:13:48
Related topics : rfid systems integrator / rfid printing paper / rfid chip reader writer / rfid printing inks / cost of rfid reader module
Built-In NFC Reader on iPhone for Mobile Attendance with NDEF data
Impossible de charger la transcription interactive.
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Ajoutée le 9 oct. 2017
To download the Cloud-In-Hand® iPhone app visit
To discuss your project with a Serialio Solutions Specialist please contact...
Related topics : tag rfid nfc / read write rfid tags / rfid tag reader iphone / nfc rfid reader writer / nfc rfid card reader
Libraries · ESP8266 Arduino Core
This is mostly similar to WiFi shield library. Differences include:
WiFi.mode(m): set mode to WIFI_AP, WIFI_STA, WIFI_AP_STA or WIFI_OFF.
call WiFi.softAP(ssid) to set up an open network
call WiFi.softAP(ssid, password) to set up a WPA2-PSK network (password should be at least 8 characters)
WiFi.macAddress(mac) is for STA, WiFi.softAPmacAddress(mac) is for AP.
WiFi.localIP() is for STA,...
Date: 2016-06-23 07:44:25
Related topics : rfid library arduino download / rfid library arduino / rfid library for arduino / library management using rfid / library using rfid