F3421_2.45GHz Active RFID_Products_sanray
1. Product Description
F3421 is a high-performance 2.45GHz active RFID reader/writer designed for high challenging RFID application environment. Build-in 15dbi antenna and integrates with interfaces of RS-232 RS-485 USB Wiegand26/34/42/50 RJ45, which can realize a reading distance of 80 120m. It...
Related topics : active rfid products / active rfid tag frequency / active rfid tag and reader / active rfid tag reader / active rfid tag distance
The Different Types of RFID Systems - Bright Alliance ...
Every RFID system can be broken down by the frequency band in which it operates. Whether it is low, high or ultra-high frequency - there are many other categories of RFID systems as well. However, there are two major categories of RFID systems - active and passive, and we are explaining each of their types and frequencies below.
RFID Frequencies
The frequency refers to the size of the radio that...
Serial Port Reader | Active RFID System
����EMPRESS[TM] Active Reader (P/N: HKRAR-EMSP) has comport interface and therefore is more stable performance. Through RS232 connection, the reader gathers and transmits data to the PC. Once powered, the HKRAR-EM series is instantly connected and become part of the...
Date: 2013-01-13 08:28:11
Related topics : active rfid reader range / active rfid tag and reader / active rfid tag reader / active rfid reader / active rfid systems inc
PanGo Introduces New Wi-Fi-Based RFID Tag
PanGo Introduces New Wi-Fi-Based RFID Tag
Third-generation asset-tracking tag features smaller form factor, enhanced functionality and extended battery life at reduced cost.
Previous Next
PanGo has introduced its third-generation Wi-Fi-based active RFID tag, giving organizations new ability to identify and monitor the location of thousands of mobile assets, inventory and personnel at a...
Date: 2018-01-10 22:15:15
Vehicle Tracking | Active RFID System
2.4GHz Active RFID Solution for an oil company
RFID system vs Barcode System
Before utilizing the RFID system, the oil company was using the traditional barcode system to confirm the ID with each machine. However, there are several major problems encountered, such as human errors, missing items and low efficiency. The barcode tags are easily destroyed. Moreover, workers need to spend...
Date: 2013-01-13 08:29:27
What is RFID Technology - About RFID (Radio Frequency ...
Purpose of Radio frequency Identification and Detection system is to facilitate data transmission through the portable device known as tag that is read with the help of RFID reader; and process it as per the needs of an application. Information transmitted with the help of tag offers location or identification along with other specifics of product tagged - purchase date, color, and price. Typical...
RFIDSWIPE provides Passive & Active RFID solutions in ...
RFID Reader & Products
RFID Readers
Desktop Readers, Mobile Readers, Hand Held Readers, Active Readers, Passive Readers, UHF Readers, HF Readers, USB Readers, Integrated Reader Antenna
Find out...
.: Examination room guide using RFID for the jumbling ...
RFID tags are categorized as either active or passive. Active RFID tags are powered by an internal battery and are typically read/write, i.e., tag data can be rewritten and/or modified. An active tag's memory size varies according to application...
Date: 2018-08-28 11:55:57
Related topics : rfid active reader passive tag / active and passive rfid tags / passive rfid tag uses / active rfid tag uses / passive rfid tag and reader
WiFi Reader | Active RFID System
����EMPRESS[TM] Active Reader (P/N: HKRAR-EMWF) is wireless and therefore is easy to install with low installation costs. Through IEEE 802.11b/g (EMWF version), the reader gathers and transmits data to the wireless router. Once powered, the HKRAR-EM series is instantly connected and become part of the...
Date: 2013-01-13 08:28:24
Related topics : active rfid reader range / active rfid reader cost / cost of active rfid reader / active rfid tag and reader / active rfid tag reader
Mobile Asset Tracking Technologies: Barcodes, QR Codes ...
Mobile Applications For Inventory Management, Data Collection And Workflow
Mobile Asset Tracking Technologies: Barcodes, QR Codes, NFC, RFID, GPS Tags
How do mobile asset tracking technologies (barcodes, QR codes, NFC, RFID, GPS) work and which one will fit better into your business workflow.
When people say asset tracking they mean different things. One person may refer to their vehicle fleet,...
Date: 2017-11-24 20:22:31
RFID Tags: Active, Semi-passive, and Passive - Barcoding, Inc.
There are three basic types of RFID tags; active, semi-passive, and passive. Active and semi-passive tags use internal batteries in order to power their internal circuits. Active tags also use their battery to send radio waves to a RFID reader, whereas semi-passive tags rely on the reader to supply power for its broadcasting. Both active and semi-passive tags are most commonly used for large-scale applications that need to be read over greater distances. Because of this, they typically broadcast high frequencies from 850 to 950 MHz and can be read from over 100 feet away.
In contrast, passive RFID tags rely solely on the...
Inmate Wristbands & ID Cards | GUARDIAN RFID
Dual electronic and visual identification to manage, monitor, and track inmates 20x more effectively and efficiently.
GUARDIAN RFID is the exclusive distributor of Clincher RFID wristbands. Clincher RFID Wristbands are non-transferable and securely worn at all times. Clincher RFID wristbands are available in 9 different colors to provide maximum flexibility and security.
Automate activity logging faster
RFID Wristbands, together with Mobile Command , help log inmate activities faster and more accurately. From meal passes and recreation offerings to programs attendance, razor passes, court transports, med passes, work release programs, and...
Related topics : rfid wristbands / active rfid reader cost / cost of active rfid reader / active rfid uses / active rfid reader
Facts about GPS tracking using QR codes, RFID/NFC ...
Facts about GPS tracking using QR codes, RFID/NFC, Bluetooth & GSM/SMS
As the keeping track of expanding asset inventories gets complicated, many growing organizations decide to abandon traditional spreadsheet-based or pen and paper methods of locating equipment, products, or devices. However, the search for advanced and more efficient tech alternatives is often fraught with confusion and...
Asset Tracking and Security | GuardRFID
GuardRFID's Asset Tracking system helps to deliver this visibility, and hence operational efficiency, resulting in significant financial benefits across all industries.
Why choose GuardRFID's Asset Tracking and Security system?
GuardRFID's Asset Tracking and Security system uses Active RFID technology to help you track and manage your assets. Our tags allow you to positively ascertain where a...
Date: 2017-03-04 01:04:02
Related topics : asset tracking system using rfid / rfid asset tracking system / active rfid tag in real time location system / tracking and asset management using rfid / rfid for asset tracking and inventory management
The New Zealand RFID Pathfinder Group
Basic information about RFID
Introduction of RFID
Radio-frequency identification (RFID) is the wireless use of electromagnetic fields to transfer data, for the purposes of automatically identifying and tracking tags attached to objects. The tags contain electronically stored information. Some tags are powered by electromagnetic induction from magnetic fields produced near the reader. Some types...
RFID Support - Ex Libris Knowledge Center
Mapping of RFID Fields to Alma Fields (see the Mapping the RFID Fields to Alma Fields section below)
The Nedap system is used only for check in and check out and does not allow updating the tag itself. Therefore, the mapping definitions are unavailable for Nedap RFID profiles.
Select Save.
For more information on configuring RFID, see https://developers.exlibrisgroup.com/alma/integrations/rfid...
Related topics : rfid reader i code / types of rfid tags and readers / types rfid reader / types of active rfid tags / rfid reader library system
Will Beacons replace RFID? | Beaconstac
Therefore, while beacons will evolve over time and take the place of active RFID systems for some applications, it would be farfetched to think it will evolve to the point at which beacons will replace all active RFID systems.�
Benefits of replacing RFID tags with beacons
Like we said before, over a period of time beacons will definitely replace active RFID systems for some applications. This...
Asset Management Using RFID - Pros and Cons
Asset identification is easy, fast and accurate. The operator knows exactly which assets have been processed and which have not. The system can be used to store notes providing a historical record for a given asset.
Passive RFID with Mobile Readers
Moving to the passive RFID system with a mobile reader provides some further benefits. The process of identifying assets is slightly faster, and...
Date: 2017-11-04 01:40:07
RFID Services and Solutions by Telecube - Islamabad Pakistan
RFID tags are further broken down into two categories;
Active RFID Tags
Passive RFID Tags
Active RFID Tags:
They are battery powered. They broadcast a signal to the reader and can transmit over the greatest distances (100+ meters). Typically they can cost £5 - £20 or more and are used to track high value goods like vehicles and large containers of goods. Shipboard containers are a...
Date: 2011-11-01 13:04:16
RFID Range. What Affects The Distance You Can Expect RFID ...
Let's look at each of these in more detail...
Transmit Power
RFID readers and active RFID tags actively transmit RF energy to carry information from one to the other.
Active tags have a battery, or an external power supply, so have enough power available to allow them to transmit up to the maximum legal power limit.
A passive tag doesn't have a battery. So where does it get the energy to power...
Related topics : rfid active reader passive tag / passive rfid tag and reader / active rfid tag and reader / passive rfid tag frequency range / active rfid tag frequency range
RFID Range. What Affects The Distance You Can Expect RFID ...
Let's look at each of these in more detail...
Transmit Power
RFID readers and active RFID tags actively transmit RF energy to carry information from one to the other.
Active tags have a battery, or an external power supply, so have enough power available to allow them to transmit up to the maximum legal power limit.
A passive tag doesn't have a battery. So where does it get the energy to power...
What Are the Different Types of RFID Tag Antenna?
These 10 facts about space will blow your mind
Radio frequency identification (RFID) tags are used to keep track of inventory and aid in stolen property recovery. Additional uses include paying for toll charges through automatic bank account deduction, warehouse supply management and security measures. An RFID tag antenna communicates a unique bar code back to a computer system that determines...
Real Time Location System - RTLS vs RFID - CenTrak
RFID and RTLS technologies exactly and how do they differ?
RFID is defined as the wireless use of electromagnetic fields to transfer data.1 Signal transmission occurs between two or more communication devices (i.e. a reader and a tag) to locate objects or people. There are two types of RFID technologies to consider, active and passive. Passive RFID technology works only in proximity to...
Related topics : active rfid tag in real time location system / difference between passive and active rfid tags technology / passive and active rfid technology / rfid active reader passive tag / radio frequency identification device rfid technology
RFID - AIM India
RFID tags come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. Animal tracking tags, inserted beneath the skin, can be as small as a pencil lead in diameter and one-half inch in length. Tags can be screw-shaped to identify trees or wooden items, or credit-card shaped for use in access applications. The anti-theft hard plastic tags attached to merchandise in stores are RFID tags. In addition, heavy-duty 5-...
Related topics : active rfid tag read range / passive rfid tag read range / difference between passive and active rfid tags technology / rfid active reader passive tag / cost of active and passive rfid tags
Savi Releases Next-Generation Active RFID Tags | Sensors ...
The Savi ST-618 is a rugged active RFID tag ideally suited for the locating, tracking, and managing of medium- to high-value assets in both defense and commercial applications.
The Savi ST-621 license plate tag is a cost-effective, active RFID tag designed for various applications, including the tracking of shipping containers and other conveyances.
The new tags are available now...
Date: 2017-12-09 23:45:23
Real Time Location System - RTLS vs RFID - CenTrak
RTLS vs RFID - The Common Misperception
Buzzing around the RTLS and Healthcare industry like we do, we often hear people use the words Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and Real-Time Locating Systems (RTLS) interchangeably. If you're one of them, don't panic; it has been a common misperception throughout the years. While RFID and RTLS solutions are both classified as location-based...
Cat Flap Door Activated by RFID Chip! - Zedomax.com
Cat Flap Door Activated by RFID Chip!
Posted on October 30, 2008 by max
Do you have a cat that has a lot of other cat "friends"?� Well, if you are having some trouble keeping those friends from stealing your own cat's food or anything else, here's a Cat Flap Door that's activated by RFID chip ; it can also work with exisiting ID-chips. (if your cat already has one)� If...
Related topics : rfid cat door microchip / active rfid chips / rfid cat door / rfid chips uses / rfid chip security
RFID tags - TrailerTrailers
RFID tags - Tag types
Active RFID tags
These tags have a small battery built into the tags, batteries can sometimes be replaceable or the unit will be replaced after certain time, normally between 1 year and 7 years.
The advantages and disadvantages of active tags can be summarised as follows;
The active RFID tag cannot function without battery power,...
Date: 2007-01-02 01:30:49
Related topics : cost of active and passive rfid tags / rfid active reader passive tag / active rfid tag battery life / difference between active rfid tag and passive rfid tag / difference between active and passive rfid tags
AiRISTA provides leading WiFi RFID, RTLS, GPS real-time tracking solutions to ensure around the clock management, location, tracking and monitoring of your mobile transportation assets with a robust and flexible
http://www.airista.com/components/com_gk2_photoslide/images/thumbm/376031AnalyticsAndReportingImage.PNG http://www.airista.com/components/com_gk2_photoslide/images/thumbm/519348Doctor_in_Coat.png...
Date: 2017-03-04 00:24:41
Related topics : rtls rfid wifi / active rfid location tracking / passive and active rfid technology / active rfid gps / gps rfid asset tracking system
AiRISTA provides leading WiFi RFID, RTLS, GPS real-time tracking solutions to ensure around the clock management, location, tracking and monitoring of your mobile transportation assets with a robust and flexible
http://www.airista.com/components/com_gk2_photoslide/images/thumbm/376031AnalyticsAndReportingImage.PNG http://www.airista.com/components/com_gk2_photoslide/images/thumbm/519348Doctor_in_Coat.png...
Date: 2017-03-04 01:23:02
Related topics : rtls rfid wifi / active rfid location tracking / passive and active rfid technology / active rfid gps / gps rfid asset tracking system
Active RFID Tag 2.4GHz for CRM, PREVIEW
The video presents an Active RFID 2.4GHz solution. Hussar[TM] Active Tag model (HKRAT-NT02) provides excellent reading range and read/write reliability for high value applications such as people or asset...
Related topics : active rfid tag read range / active rfid tag range / rfid applications in supply chain management / rfid for asset tracking and inventory management / active rfid tag applications
RFID AT THE DoD - American City & County
RADIO TECHNOLOGY is enabling the Department of Defense to streamline and improve the world's largest supply chain When General Grant took command of union forces in the Eastern Theater during the Civil War, his first orders aimed to repair a malfunctioning system of supply lines. Historians credit Grant's logistical expertise as crucial to his victory over Robert E. Lee's army. Ever since, the...
Date: 2017-12-10 02:14:49
Is a Passport Cover the best way to protect your ePassport
Passport Cover
Does a Passport cover protect from electronic pickpockets?
Since 2006 all new passports issued in the USA, EU and Australia plus many more countries now use biometric passports or ePassport. These passports contain all your personal data on a micro-chip and uses RFID tag technology to transmit that data.
Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) technology has been adopted my many...
ACTIVE RFID Archives - WaveTrend
Wavetrend offer a range of hardware products for the real-time tracking of people and assets including Active RFID Tags, Readers, and Antennas which can be deployed to create a comprehensive Active RFID...
Related topics : wavetrend active rfid tags / active rfid asset tags / wavetrend active rfid reader / active rfid tag and reader / active rfid tag reader
Active, Semi-passive and Passive RFID Tags - How RFID ...
How the Apple Watch Works
Like other wireless devices, RFID tags broadcast over a portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. The exact frequency is variable and can be chosen to avoid interference with other electronics or among RFID tags and readers in the form of tag interference or reader interference. RFID systems can use a cellular system called Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) to make sure the wireless communication is handled properly [source: RFID Journal ].
Passive RFID tags rely entirely on the reader as their power source. These tags are read up to 20 feet (six meters) away, and they have lower production...
Related topics : cost of active and passive rfid tags / rfid passive tag reader cost / rfid active reader passive tag / passive rfid tag reader price / semi passive rfid tag range
WaveTrend - Upswung
Wavetrend Active RFID Products
Wavetrend provides an extensive portfolio of award winning active RFID products and an open platform architecture that...
Related topics : wavetrend active rfid / long range active rfid / active rfid tracking system / active rfid products / active rfid solutions
RFID use in healthcare on the rise | Digital Health
The use of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) in healthcare across the globe now accounts for almost 9% of global RFID projects, according to research by UK-based consulting firm, IDTechEx.
The researchers found that the use of the technology in healthcare has risen over the years and is now the sixth most important applicational sector for the use of RFID.
With the global market for RFID now...
Home | Wavetrend
Wavetrend leads the field in asset visibility and access control, providing award-winning active RFID technology that offers complete security and tracking solutions to organisations across the globe.
The RFID advantage, customised for your business
Wavetrend has been instrumental in developing active radio-frequency identification (RFID) technology and in identifying its potential for...
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Date: 2015-09-14 18:29:12
2.45GHz active reader long range reader - RFID card,RFID tag
2.45GHz active reader long range reader
NEXQO has been one of the premier card maker in China simply based on two facts, that to make the best product and to maintain the best service, with annually over 100 million cards produced and distributed into more than 50 countries worldwide.
Nexqo is...
RFID USA Contact Us
RFID USA Contact Us
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Date: 2015-09-14 18:29:06
Related topics : ultra high frequency rfid reader / high frequency rfid reader / high frequency rfid tag / a passive uhf rfid transponder for epc gen 2 / active rfid tag frequency
RFID Solution Provider companies in India
RFID Solution Provider companies in India
RFID Solution Provider companies India
As the world has moved on, India can never choose to lag behind. In fact, the world has always seen India as one of the biggest potential markets. Modern Indian companies have followed the footsteps of the global conglomerates which have eventually geared up the new economical revolution in India.
RFID solution is...
wireless temperature sensor active RFID - rfid-ela.eu
COIN T is a long-range, battery-powered active RFID tag featuring an integrated temperature sensor. This waterproof, robust, and small-sized tag is ideal for nearly any environment.
rfid application case
COIN T helps increase reliability for your temperature-sensitive product...
Related topics : active rfid tag temperature sensor / active rfid temperature sensor / rfid tag temperature sensor / long range active rfid tags / rfid tag temperature range
Savi Technology Deploys New Mobile RFID Infrastructure Kit ...
Savi Technology Deploys New Mobile RFID Infrastructure Kit For Real-Time Visibility Of Military Supplies
Source: Savi Technology Inc.
Savi Technology, Inc., a leading provider of RFID supply chain solutions, today announced the release of a new compact, highly mobile RFID solution that directly supports the war fighter deployed in the Area of Operations, such as Iraq and Afghanistan. Called the...
AeroScout T2 Wi-Fi Active RFID Tag | Wearable Device ...
The T2 Wi-Fi Active RFID Tag is a real-time location tracker of assets and personnel. It uses a standard Wi-Fi network to determine the status of personnel and can emit instant notification when personnel pass through a chokepoint. The device has long battery life lasting more than four years ensuring functionality over time. The tag can be attached to personnel with Velcro, adhesives and...
The Top RFID Trends For 2016 - Industrial Distribution
With increased standards, lower system costs, greater solution reliability and higher adoption rates, RFID is poised for an explosive year, according to Barcoding experts.
The company will highlight the technology and one of its key applications in the free webinar, "Bringing RFID to Asset Management," scheduled for 1 p.m. ET on Thursday, Feb. 11.
The following are Barcoding's top five RFID...
Ford’s Land Rover, Savi Launch RFID Auto ... - SecureIDNews
Ford Motor Company's Land Rover division and Savi today launched a pilot program to deploy an active RFID system, which will synchronize the delivery of auto parts from multiple suppliers to Land Rover's key assembly plant in the West Midlands (U.K.).
The pilot is made possible through a U.K. central government grant administered by the University of Warwick, which was instrumental in an...
Understanding the Different Types of RFID Tags
Understanding the Different Types of RFID Tags
Posted in:
Types of RFID Tags
There are primarily three basic types of RFID tags that are familiar to most consumers who use the technology:�active, passive, and semi-passive.��When considering purchase of tags for different scenarios, pinpointing which kind of tag to use and integrate into an operation can be tricky. So let's compare...
Personal Tracking | Active RFID System
Active RFID personal warning system prevents unauthorized access to dangerous areas in the construction site, avoiding accidents caused by incautious workers.
When a worker is trying to enter the dangerous zone, readers at the entrance of the zone detect presence of tags on his helmet. The buzzer built-in with the tag will emit alarming sounds to warn the worker. The operators in the site office would also be informed with a warning message shown on a PC or LED display.
Real-time Location Tracking System
Active RFID system provides real time location tracking of workers in different zones of the construction site, providing ...
Date: 2013-01-13 08:29:04
Related topics : active rfid tag in real time location system / active rfid tracking system / active rfid location tracking / rfid tag tracking system / tracking system using rfid
Battery Assisted Passive RFID | Printed Electronics ...
Active RFID systems designed to track and trace mobile assets can benefit from thin printed battery technology by reducing the overall size of tags and reducing the total cost of integration vs....
Date: 2018-01-12 08:17:49