Make a long-range RFID card reader with Arduino | Freetronics
If you're looking for a fast way to interface RFID readers with your Arduino or compatible board, check out our new� DLOCK RFID Door Lock Shield .�It's a fantastic and simple method of interfacing a variety of RFID readers and an electric door strike to your�...
Related topics : long range rfid reader arduino / arduino rfid reader range / hf rfid reader arduino / rfid door lock system arduino / hf rfid reader long range
How to Open Your Garage Door With RFID
Radio Frequency Identification, or RFID, is an exciting technology that has gained popularity in recent years. �It creates the ability to tag something with a very small passive chip that then allows remote reading of the information on that chip. �RFID tags are commonly used for security door swipe cards, identification for lost pets, and more recently near field communication in...
Arduino Playground - ID12
Code for the Innovations ID-12 RFID tag reader
This is a piece of code that lets you read out the ID-12 RFID tag reader ( with an Arduino. The reader uses a 9600 baud serial connection with the Arduino. When uploading the sketch, you need to pull out the RX wire to the reader, otherwise it will disturb the uploading. (Alternatively, alter the sketch, use NewSoftSerial, and also...
Related topics : rfid tag reader arduino / rfid reader i code / id12 rfid reader / rfid tag and reader / rfid tag reader
ID12 RFID Reader - Cookbook | mbed
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Related topics : id12 rfid reader
serial - RFID Reader ID12-LA reads every card as ...
Raihaan, please edit question and format the code as code. To do so, highlight the code and press ctrl-K. Add a blank line before and after the code. Also, use cut and paste when you include the code -- there are some missing characters. Also, where are you getting data from the reader? Do you have one connection for the reader, and one for the...
Related topics : rfid card reader serial / id12 rfid reader / rfid id card reader / hid rfid card reader / card reader rfid
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