RFID Readers and Tags for any specialty application - RFID ...

Whats the difference between 125KHz and 148KHz? Click here for an explanation.

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"I can't thank you enough for your support with this project (LF Tags surviving 400F processes). I truly appreciate all your help."

David Foley, Ingersol Rand

"Your system we are using is operating quite flawlessly and has been since the last...

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Website: http://rfidinc.com

Related topics : 433 mhz active rfid tags / rfid tag reader system / active rfid tag and reader / active rfid tag reader / active rfid tag applications

RFID Basics - ThingMagic.com


If you have ever used an access card to get into a building or your car or passed through an automated toll collection system on a highway, you have used RFID. The definition of RFID is rather broad because it has so many uses. Let's first start with the acronym and what it means:

RFID = Radio Frequency IDentification

Now, let's break down what this means: a system of technologies that...

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Date: 2017-03-04 00:22:16
Website: http://www.thingmagic.com

Related topics : low cost low power uhf rfid tag with on chip antenna / passive rfid tag frequency range / active rfid tag frequency range / 433 mhz ultra high frequency active rfid tags / uhf rfid frequency range

RFID Journal LIVE! Europe 2012 London | RFID (Radio ...

Mark Roberti , Founder and Editor, RFID Journal


RFID: Getting Maximum Value From a Disruptive Technology

Since its introduction to retail more than a decade ago, RFID has been used in a variety of ways, from pallets and cases in the fast-moving consumer goods supply chain to individual apparel items. In all uses to date, the technology has been misunderstood and underutilized as simply "a...

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Website: rfidjournalevents.com